
Did you know that starfish are neither plants nor animals?

Starfish is Spanish for "Estrella de mar"

The starfish is found in all the oceans of the world. It is a beautifully coloured invertebrate creature. The arms extend from the middle of the body, giving it its star-like appearance. It usually has five arms, with the mouth located under the central plate (middle part of the body). It has an incredible regenerative ability, if its arm is damaged or torn off it can grow it back without any trouble.

When you spot a starfish, you have to hold it gently in the palm of your hand to avoid damaging it. You will feel its tiny suction cups gently grip your skin. We must be careful not to lift it out of the water, as this will be fatal to it and it will not survive. Once we've had a look, we release it gently.

If you join us on our Saona Catamaran VIP tour, you can learn even more about the life of the starfish and get your hands on this extraordinary creature.

Let's go on an adventure!


Turtle Farm

