Turtle Farm

Saona, the home of the sea turtles

In the Dominican Republic, the island of Saona plays a key role in the reproduction of sea turtles, as females come here to lay their eggs on the beach.

However, sea turtles are threatened with extinction because they have many enemies.

In the village of Mano Juan, in the Eastern National Park (Parque Nacional del Este), there is a "turtle farm" which was established to protect endangered sea turtles.

Dominicans fighting for the survival of turtles collecting the eggs and take them to the "turtle reserve" in Mano Juan.

If you visit Saona Island with us, you can be a part of this miracle yourself.

You will learn many interesting facts about turtles, and if you buy some of the products, beautiful jewellery and souvenirs sold at the turtle farm, you can support this noble cause!


The bottlenose dolphin

