My encounter with long-finned whales

Everyone should experience this once in his life!

The first time I saw whales in my life was 9 years ago here in the Dominican Republic, in Samana Bay.

Even though I had watched nature films before and had some idea of what it would be like to meet them, the moment I first saw them was beyond my expectations.

At first I only noticed the warm mist they were blowing out of their nostrils, and then slowly and gracefully their bodies emerged from the water. Breathlessly, I watched and videotaped to capture the moment. It didn't take long, just a few seconds, and then they disappeared into the waves. Our boat headed towards where we had seen them and we followed in their wake.

For the next few minutes we were surrounded only by rippling water, and we thought we had lost them, when suddenly they appeared close to us, close to the side of the boat. I was so surprised that I stared at them petrified for a few seconds, I even forgot to start the recording!

They swam past us for a short while, then dived under the water and to our utter amazement swam under the boat. The waves from their huge bodies moved and rocked the boat.

It was an unforgettable experience that has lived vividly in my memory ever since!

There, at that moment, I felt the ancient, powerful and raw power of nature and became a part of it!

Will you be there on our next trip?


Because every life is important...


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