Why is Negro the greatest hero of the Dominican Republic?

A special story that everyone should hear!

Pelagio Paulino, or "Negro" as everyone knows him, lives in the village of Mano Juan on the picturesque island of Saona. He arrived on board a barge more than 30 years ago with the undisguised aim of making a living as a fisherman.

At the time, he was hunting turtles and their eggs, but soon realised that the consumption of their meat and eggs was endangering the species visiting the Dominican Republic.

Guided by his conscience, he became their protector and has now been doing his sacrificial work for more than 20 years, with only one or two helpers.

In the 110 sq. m. area of the island, he locates the nests where the mama turtles lay their eggs, collects them and cares for them until they hatch in the turtle sanctuary he has envisioned. He then takes them back to their original location, as the turtles have to make their way to the sea under their own steam.

Initially there were only five turtle nests on the coast, but last year 106 nests were recorded.

Thanks to him, the turtle survival rate is 95%, which would be only 5% in the wild!

Thanks to him, we can see turtles in the Caribbean today!

If you would like to visit the "turtle farm" and meet Negro in person, feel free to contact us!


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