Because every life is important...

The story of the donkey on Saona Island

Today I have an interesting story to tell you!

In Canto de La Playa lives a donkey who is missing a hoof and can only walk with a limp.

- Shouldn't it be shot? - several tourists have asked me.

- What can it eat here?

- What's the use?

I usually reply that the people here see it a little differently. They believe that everything that lives has a right to exist. And they don't necessarily see things in terms of utility.

And what can it eat?

In the interior of the island, it finds different kinds of grasses, and we guides give him pineapple rinds because it loves them.

It also has a 'mum', a lady tour guide, whom it loves because she always brings it extra food. It is waiting for her and limps in front of her when it sees her boat arrive.

What do you think about this? I think this is a very nice example of looking out for each other and caring for wildlife!


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