An instructive lesson...

A lesson I will never forget

When you move to another culture, you inevitably acquire a new outlook on life and new habits. You learn to see through someone else's eyes, to think with his mind. The following case is an excellent example:

On our excursions Dominican boys always sell Piña Coladas, usually at several places we stop. It's an income opportunity for them and an excellent thirst quencher for tourists. For me, it has become a habit at one time to offer this refreshments in a particular beach area immediately after eating the delicious lunch!

A Dominican colleague of mine at first just watched me, then after one or two occasion he came up to me and said:

- Listen, let them have their Piña Coladas wherever they want! Or offer it once in one place and then in another! Everyone needs a job! Everyone needs to eat!

I just stood there and suddenly I didn't know what to say. He was absolutely right! I hadn't thought about it with my European mind.

And indeed, Dominican people are famous for looking out for each other and sharing the work. And family and community stick together and help each other through difficult times.


Why is Negro the greatest hero of the Dominican Republic?


"Slow tourism"