The bottlenose dolphin

6 interesting facts about the birth of the bottlenose dolphin


Many people are aware that dolphins are mammals and that the babies develop in the womb. Gestation lasts for 12 months and usually only 1 baby dolphin is born at a time.


But few people know that the babies are born backwards, with their heads emerging last. This is so that they don't drown in the water during the labour, which can last up to 2-3 hours, because they breathe with their lungs!


Did you know that a pregnant female is assisted in her calving by another female member of the group, the "midwife"? Interesting, isn't it?


But the other members of the group are not idle during this time, they swim nearby, surrounding them to protect the pregnant female and her young from possible attack.


The newborn baby is fed by the mother dolphin with her mother's milk, which, as in humans, contains the vitamins, proteins and fats necessary for development, and helps it to produce defensive and anti-bodies.


The mother is who teaches to the dolphin social behaviour within the group, including feeding, orientation and survival habits until the age of 2.

In our "Swimming with Dolphins" programme, you can get to know this gentle, direct and highly intelligent creature in person. You'll have the experience of a lifetime, while hearing lots of other interesting information and stories from the trainers and us.

We look forward to welcoming you!


"Slow tourism"


Turtle Farm