The Dominican Cigar

Refinement and Enjoyment

The Dominican Republic is among the world's leading producers and exporters of premium cigars.

But let's take a look at the origins of this luxury item that has captivated millions of people with its aroma and flavor.

Even the Caribbean natives, the Taíno Indians, consumed cigars, as contemporary accounts attest. They introduced the European conquerors to tobacco, which quickly spread throughout Europe and the world.

How are quality cigars made?

Their cultivation requires fertile soil. The cigar leaves are carefully selected, dried and fermented, and then manually rolled.

Each cigar variety has well-defined unique characteristics, classified according to shape, color, size, flavor and strength. Aroma refers to the scent of the cigar, and strength to the intensity of its taste.

Proper cigar storage requires a dry, cool, dark place. The ideal temperature is 18-22 degrees Celsius, and the humidity should be between 65-75 percent.


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